Peeling Black Mask Review
I bought this black peeling mask after seeing it blow up on YouTube. There’s a ton of different brands for sale and I’ve tried quite a few – they all seem to do the same job and perform equally as well.
This particular black mask is by Toullgo and it’s marketed as a ‘purifying blackhead’ mask and I use it around once every four to five weeks. The brand (and a lot of YouTubers) say you can use it a lot more frequently, but I wouldn’t advise that for middle-aged skin. Essentially, the product removes dead skin cells, blackheads, whiteheads, oil plugs, and the outer most layer of your skin. I don’t think it’s healthy to keep stripping the skin to any degree more than once a month or so.
Cost & Packaging
The mask comes in a plastic squeezy tube with a screw-top lid and you get 60g of the goopy stuff for around £8.
While the tube does a good job of holding the sticky stuff in, the consistency of the mask means it gets stuck all around the lid and the outside. Not much of a problem, but if you’re like me and don’t like sticky bathroom shelves and drawers, then you may want to keep it in a bag or put some tissue under where you’d like to store it.
You can check up-to-date pricing on other black peeling masks on Amazon as I couldn’t find this exact one when I wrote this review.
You can apply the mask straight from the tube – did I mention how gloopy/sticky it is? As you start to apply the mask to your face you’ll find that it doesn’t spread very easily so there is a bit of technique to it! I like to use it on my forehead, nose, jowls, and chin. I apply a thin(ish) layer – use too much and it’ll take longer to dry, use too little and it’ll be harder to remove and may not work effectively.
Once you’ve finished applying the mask you’ll need some good old soap and warm water to clean up your fingers/hands. It’s a bit of a bugger to get off so just be patient and use lots of soap.
I find it takes around 10-15 minutes to ‘set’ and once it’s ready, you lift up the edges and peel it away (or rip it off harshly as so many YouTubers do!). Personally, I like the removal phase as it’s the most satisfying but some people report it being a little painful – it can and will rip out any downy hair it comes across too.
Once you’ve peeled the majority of it off, you’ll need to put it into a tissue and throw in the bin – try not to put it on any surfaces as it can stain if not fully dry. Finally, you’ll need to wash any residue off with a soft facecloth or warm water – don’t use anything too harsh or it may sting. You just ripped the top layer of skin off, remember?
These black peeling masks claim to give your skin a more polished appearance that feels smoother. Does it actually do this? Yes, and it does it very well. The photos below show you my skin immediately after using the peeling mask and you can actually see a few bits of flaky skin where the top layer has been removed. You can see by the middle photo how much gunk was removed from my pores, I think this bit came from my nose.
As I said previously, I only use the mask every 4 to 6 weeks so, if you’re using it more frequently, I wouldn’t expect to see as much ‘stuff’ being extracted.
After cleaning the residue from my skin, this is the result.
Here’s the gunk (if you like this sort of thing).
A closer look at my skin following removal of the black mask.
How did the Black Peeling Mask do?
- Price 78%
- Ease of use 45%
- Nasties 90%
- Pore cleansing 95%
I think this is a cracking little product so long as you don’t use it too often. I always get a rush of satisfaction from peeling it off. However, it contains parabens and nasties so there is a trade-off here.
Video review of Black Peeling Mask
I’m working on a YouTube video review for this product. When it’s ready, you’ll find it here. In the meantime, scroll down the page to read the ingredients list.
Peeling Black Mask ingredients list
Water, polyvinyl alcohol, alcohol, sodium polystyrene sulfonate, glycerin, charcoal powder, xanthan gum, phenoxyethanol/methylparaben/elthyiparaben/ethylhexylglycerin, parfum.
Manufacturer: Toullgo.
Manufacturer directions: Don’t apply too thick or too thin, avoid direct contact with eyes, brow, and lips.